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Maintain NAPS Certification CEUs
Important Changes to Our Certification Continuing Education Program

Effective immediately, we have made the following updates to the NAPS Certification Continuing Education Program:

  • Annual CEU Renewal - The annual CEU renewal fee has increased to $35 for individuals of a member firm and $50 for non-members. The fee has not been increased in over 7 years and this increase is necessary to maintain the high-quality content and support services we offer to our members.
  • Annual CEU Requirement - The annual CEU requirement has increased to 20 hours, of which 17 hours must be NAPS content. This means that you will need to attend NAPS conferences, webinars, and other related activities to fulfill the requirements. Non-members can pay to access NAPS CEU content on an as-needed basis.
  • Good Standing – As a reminder, credential holders must stay current with annual CEU requirements to maintain their good standing. NAPS will be implementing stricter monitoring of this requirement, in order to ensure its integrity. Credential holders that fail to fulfill their annual CEU requirement will be afforded a one-year grace period to attain good standing by completing the prior year’s CEU and paying the renewal fee in addition to fulfilling the current year’s requirements. 


Failure to maintain good standing beyond the grace period will result in forfeiture of the credential(s). To reinstate and utilize the certification designation, you will be required to take and pass the most recent exam.  Please ensure you stay up-to-date with your CEU requirements to maintain your credentials.  If you have any questions, feel free to email:

Watch the video below to learn how to add CEUs in the NAPS system:

There are various methods to acquire the necessary 20 hours of continuing education, with 17 of those hours specifically dedicated to NAPS content. The two most straightforward options are as follows:

Join NAPS:
By becoming a NAPS member, you gain access to our monthly webinars and archived webinar library, each providing 1 CEU. Additionally, your membership grants access to our newsletters, including the monthly membership newsletter, quarterly legal newsletter, and, for current CPC and CTS designation holders, the quarterly credential newsletter. Each newsletter, when read, is also worth 1 CEU.

Attend the NAPS Conference:
Attend our annual NAPS Conference, which is open to both members and non-members. Members enjoy a discounted registration fee. Each conference session is worth 1 CEU, and with 11 session slots available, you could potentially earn 11 CEUs simply by participating in the conference.

NAPS has identified a number of education and training venues that CPC and CTS holders can use to meet their re-certification requirements. Following you will find brief descriptions of the various activities you may wish to pursue and directions on how to add to your profile:

Keeping Track of Continuing Education Contact Hours

NAPS Membership
A NAPS membership is the easiest way to keep your certification up-to-date. A NAPS membership gives you access to the following:

  • Annual Conference
    Each fall, NAPS hosts its annual conference featuring a dynamic group of industry trainers and speakers. You can earn up to 14 continuing education hours for confirmed attendance at this educational event's keynote addresses, breakout sessions and round tables. The number of actual contact hours at any NAPS Conference should be entered on the continuing education log. NAPS members receive a deep discount on registration. Learn more and register here.
  • Webinars
    CPCs and CTSs that participate in either NAPS or other staffing industry webinars offered online or “on demand” can convert the actual contact hours of each education or training experience to continuing education credit. NAPS webinars are offered monthly and you receive 1 CEU for each webinar. NAPS webinars are an exclusive free benefit for NAPS members.

Learn more about NAPS membership and join here.

Regional, State and Local Association Conferences and Meetings
Not only do your regional, state and local association conferences and meetings give you the opportunity to network with professional peers, you can also achieve credit toward certificate maintenance. Only those NAPS Associations Alliance Partners will be able to count towards CEU's.


Independent Trainers and Training Organizations
It has become industry standard to receive outside training from professional consultants and trainers. NAPS is prepared to review the curriculum of these independent trainers and approve them for continuing education. If the programs and methods meet NAPS standards, the trainer or training organization will be designated an "approved NAPS continuing education provider," which allows the trainer to award credit toward certificate maintenance. The trainer is responsible for issuing a letter or certificate indicating the number of credits being awarded. Applications to become independent trainers / training organizations can be downloaded or obtained by contacting

In-House Training
Certified individuals working for member or non-member firms may apply professional education experiences offered by their employer to the certification maintenance requirement as long as the purpose of the education or training is to foster the professional development of the CPC or CTS certificate holder.

Professional Reading and Personal Study

NAPS encourages any professional reading  and personal study that will have a positive impact on the professional development of certificate holders, but does not  maintain a list of approved books, CDs or related materials. Our position is that the individual should select professional development resources that will best serve her/his needs.


Basically, NAPS allows you to submit the actual "seat time" it takes to read a book or listen to a CD or audiotape. In the case of books, the typical professional or business-related reading experience is awarded 3 contact hours which should be inserted in the continuing education log prior to submission. CD and audiotape credit is measured in the length of the education experience. A 2 hour CD or tape, for example, would have a value of two hours.

Any CPC or CTS can also obtain continuing education credit for the professional reading presented in articles in each bimonthly edition of The NAPS Credential. Reading the full report or article associated with those postings marked with an asterisk will result in one contact hour for each edition.



Other Programs of Study

CPC and CTS certificate holders, engaged in college or university courses related to the staffing industry or professional development, may seek to have their higher education activities approved by NAPS. This will be reviewed on a case by case basis and should be done before the class is taken. Applicants should submit a course description, agenda, program information and total class hours to for review and approval.

For additional information or clarification on the NAPS continuing education requirements for certificate holders or how continuing education credits can be earned, contact Trinette Cunningham,CPC/CTS  Email:

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